March 14-15, 2018
Tinley Park Convention Center
Holiday Inn Tinley Park
Tinley Park, Illinois
Conference Presentations
Tuesday March 13, 2018
Pre-Conference Workshop
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
9:00 am Plenary
10:30 am Concurrent Session 1
1A Urban Flooding
- Administering Local Flooding Areas
- Topographic Wetness Indes: A GIS Approach to Identifying Areas at Risk of Urban Flooding
- Calumet Stormwater Colloborative: Cross-Agency Collaboration Case Studies
1B NPDES & MS4 Permitting
- Wake Up and Smell the Audit
- When It's Not Raining: Prioritizing Stormwater Outfall Screening During Dry Weather Periods for MS4 Requirements
- DuPage County's Regional NPDES Permit
- 2017 CRS Coordinators Manual Update
- CRS Watershed Master Plan: The Quest for Level 4
- This is Not Your Father's NFIP: Community Outreach
1D Floodplain Management & Studies
- Oak Grove Road Over Unnamed Tributary to Lawrence Creek: Confluences, Urbanization, and Permitting
- Kinnickinnic Watershed: Updating a Watershed Plan to Address Increasing Flood Risk
- 7th Avenue Creek Flood Mitigation and Flood Reduction Master Plan: Developing a Plan to Meet Multiple Objectives and Funding Opportunitites
1:30 pm Concurrent Session 2
2A Stormwater Master Planning
- Urban Flooding: How Can Planners Help?
- Keys to a Successful Stormwater Project in a Fully-Developed Residential Area
- Improving an Urban Watershed: The Past, Present and Future of Addison Creek
2B Regulatory
- Regulate, Litigate, or Capitulate
- Public Partnerships, Permits, and a Parking Lot: Underground Detention in Glenview
- Fox Lake's Path from Bad CAV to Good Floodplain Management
2C Partnering & Flood Insurance
- How to Partner with the Corps: An Overview of USACE Programs & Authorities
- 2017 Flood Insurance Advocate Annual Report Findings
- Silver Jackets Project Overview & Update
2D IDNR/OWR Regulatory Updates
3:20 pm Concurrent Session 3
3A Stormwater Project Management
- Robbins Reimagining Stormwater Investment
- Bridging the Communications Gap Between Structural and Hydraulic Engineers
- Assessing Potential Opportunity Areas for Developing Stormwater Management Facilities in Suburban Cook County: Nothing Fancy, Just Meat-and-Potatoes GIS.
3B Local Official Tools
- HEC Modeling for Non-Engineers
- Filtration Fundamentals: A Back-to-Basics Look at Filtration and Why it Matters Today
- No BFE, No Hope? How to Deal with Approximate A Zones.
3C Green Infrastructure
- City of Northlake Addison Creek Restoration
- The Stormwater Benefits of High-Performance Urban Trees
- Developing a Green Infrastructure Plan for the Western Richton Park Development Corridor
3D State & County Projects
- Illinois State Water Survey Project Updates
- Flood Inundation Mapping at DuPage County
- Lake County's Flood Response Operations During the July 2017 Record Flood Events
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Plenary Session
Tool Little, Too Much, or Too Dirty: Dealing With The Nation's Growing Water Stress
10:30 am Concurrent Session 4
4A Modeling
- HEC-RAS 2D Modeling of US 20 Bridge
- MATS-TC: Automating Time of Concentration Through Multidisciplinary Collaboration
- The Albany Park Stormwater Diversion Tunnel: Chicago's New Flood Mitigation Asset
4B IDNR/OWR Regulatory Updates
4C Estimating Tools
- FEMA SDE 3.0: 2017 Updates
- Estimating the Economic Impact of Buyouts: Loss Avoidance Study for the City of Ottawa, Illinois
- RAFT - the Rapid Assistance Flood Team
4D Climate Change
- Usability of Climate Model Outputs in Determining Future Rainfall Frequency
- Incorporating Precipitation Trends into Flood Risk Management Studies
- Off With the Rule of Thumbs: Rethinking Hydrologic Impacts
1:30 pm Concurrent Session 5
5A Local Officials Roundtable
5B Wetland & Water Quality
- The Du Page County MEGA Project: Restoration of One Mile of the West Branch Du Page River and 350 Acres of the West Branch Forest Preserve
- The Lake County Wetland Restoration & Preservation Plan (WRAPP)
- Evaluation of Fish Community Response to Dam Removal and Fish Passage Projects in Northeastern Illinois
5C Modeling Tools
- Understanding Risk: Comprehensive System Modeling with Innovyze Software
- Tools For Flood Risk Management and Increased Resiliency Through Intelligent Infrastructure Control
- Envision 3.0: Driving Success for Sustainable Infrastructure Projects
5D Special Topics - Critical Path
Determining the Critical Path of a Hydrologicc and Hydraulic (H&H) Modeling Project