March 9-10, 2016
Tinley Park Convention Center
Holiday Inn Tinley Park
Tinley Park, Illinois
Pre-Conference Workshop
10:30 am Concurrent Session 1
1A Local Officials
- Floodplain Review
- Revising Your Maps: Insights for Communities on the CLOMR/LOMR Process
- Tips, Tricks, Traps, Insight and Dribble for submitting LOMA and eLOMA to FEMA for a Single Lot
1B Mitigation
- Community Resilience through Power Grid Resilience
- Topographic Wetness Index: A GIS Approach to Identifying Areas At Risk of Urban Flooding
- An Evacuation Plan for Alexander County
1C Floodplain
- Mobile Information Collection Application Silver Jackets Pilot Project
- Guidelines for Permitting of Floodway Construction Projects
- Fullerton Theater on the Lake Storm Damage Reduction Project
1D Stormwater
1:30 pm Concurrent Session 2
2A Rapid Assistance Flood Team (RAFT) Training
2B Resiliency
- Illinois Storm Ready - Weather or Not: Collaborating a Culture Shift Toward Resilient Disaster Recovery in Illinois While "Staying on the Island"
- Stirring it Up for the South Suburbs: Partnerships for HUD's National Disaster Resilience Competition
- Resilience & Replicability for Urban Flood Mitigation Planning
2C Modeling
- Optimizing Solutions to Urban Flooding - Out with the Old; In with the New
- Perfect Partners in Planning: MWRD of Greater Chicago & City of Chicago
- How to review the input and output from TR-20, HEC-HMS, and HEC-RAS models
2D Case Studies
- City of Ladue’s Storm Water Management Program
- Natalie Creek Flood Control Project
- Villa Park Comprehensive Flood Study
3:20 pm Concurrent Session 3
3A Local Officials
3B Outreach
- Promoting and Funding Illinois Stormwater Programs
- Stormwater Utilities: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Community Outreach in a Digital Age
3C Dam Levees
- Meredosia Drainage and Levee District - A Tale of Two Levees
- Bower Elementary School Levee Design and Certification, DuPage County, IL
- Partnership in Practice: Mayfair Reservoir Expansion
3D Stormwater
- Summary of the Urban Flooding Awareness Act Report and Recommendations
- Village of Glenview: Community-wide Flood Risk Reduction Program
11:00 am Concurrent Session 4
4A Local Official/Stormwater Management
- Drumroll please...presenting the new Model Stormwater Ordinance for Illinois counties and communities
- Cook County Watershed Management Ordinance: Update on Permit Compliance Resources
- Urban Flooding Resilient Chicago Initiative & A Flood Vulnerability Assessment for Critical Facilities
4B Wetlands
- Emiquon: Restoring Wetlands in a Manmade Environment
- Wetland Restoration and Environmental Remediation, Van Vlissingen Prairie, Calumet Area, Chicago
- Wetland Restoration and Environmental Remediation, Big Marsh, Calumet Area, Chicago
4C Advanced Topics
- A New Competitor in 2D Modeling: Complex Comparison of AdH and HEC-RAS
- Croix des Missions, Haiti: H&H Modeling from Thin Air
- Near Real-Time Continuous Rainfall-Runoff/Streamflow Simulation for Small Urban Watersheds in Northeastern Illinois
4D Infrastructure/BMP
- Mosquitoes in My Infrastructure!
- Pervious, Permeable, and Porous Surfaces...and their relationship to stormwater management
- Elmwood Park Flood Mitigation Project
2:00 pm Concurrent Session 5
5A Local Officials
- Village of Forest Park Sewer Separation Study
- Stormwater BMPs as Part of a Public Strategy to Reduce Private Property Sanitary Sewer Inflow and Infiltration
- Green Infrastructure: Bio-Swale, Stormwater Capture and Reuse Project Project for the City of Springfield, IL
5B Mitigation
- FEMA's RiskMAP program: weaving community outreach and technical data to influence risk reduction
- Utilizing the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program to Protect a Sewage Pumping Station
- Camp Creek: Tackling Erosion and Improving Water Quality in a Recreational Playground
5C Resiliency/Climate
- Climate Change Resiliency and Storm Water Management: A Federal Site's Perspective
- Climate Science in Floodplain Management
- Uncertainties in the Projections of Future Heavy Rainfall: Climate Nonstationarity and Urban Flood Risk in Greater Chicago