CFM Exam, Moline, IL

Feb 28, 2020 at 2:00 PM
Western Illinois University
3300 River Drive, Bldg. B, Room 1122
Moline, IL
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Note:  To allow sufficient time for check-in and explaining logistics and instructions prior to the exam start, attendees should arrive at the exam location no later than 1:30pm.  Late arrivals may not be admitted to the exam or may forfeit a portion of the 3 hours allotted to take the exam.


Application Process:

In order to take the CFM exam, you must complete and submit the CFM Program Application Package to the ASFPM. The forms are available on the ASFPM website under the Certification Program tab or on the IAFSM website The fee for taking the exam is $170 for Illinois residents or $100 for IAFSM members. 

In order to be accepted to take the Certified Floodplain Managers Exam on February 28th, you must submit your completed application along with the appropriate fee to ASFPM by Friday, February 14th (2 weeks prior to exam date).  No walk-ins will be allowed unless expressly authorized by the ASFPM Executive office.


Points of Contact:

Questions regarding applications for the CFM Exam or ASFPM Membership should be directed to  


For questions or issues on the day of the exam, contact the Exam Proctor: Erin Cobb at 202-412-2956.

For more information

Anita L. Larson, Certification Coordinator ASFPM

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