Floodplain Desk Reference

The Floodplain Management Desk Reference is IAFSM's encyclopedia of knowledge for the practicing floodplain manager. It is a ready reference for tough questions that our members face in the real world. And it's free - it can be used on line or downloaded as Adobe pdf files.

ASFPM's national CFM exam is now administered in Illinois and CFM exam reference materials can be found at http://www.floods.org. While the Floodplain Management Desk Reference is a valuable guide for those who manage floodplains in Illinois, it should no longer be used as a means to study for the CFM exam.  It is designed to cover Illinois specific, floodplain management topics, not the National CFM exam. In particular, it DOES NOT contain information on all topics covered on the national CFM exam, such as coastal flooding.

The Illinois Floodplain Management Desk Reference is available below(pdf format).  It is no longer available as a CD-ROM.

  1. Cover (753 KB)
  2. Introduction (32 KB)IAFSM Desk Reference
  3. Natural Aspects of Flooding (831 KB)
  4. Human Impacts on Flooding (1.7 MB)
  5. Floodplain Management (611 KB)
  6. Flood Insurance Study (1.2 MB)
  7. NFIP Maps (3.7 MB)
  8. Using Studies and Maps (675 kb)
  9. Revising and Maintaining NFIP Maps (401 KB)
  10. Regulatory Basis (236 KB)
  11. Maps and Data (97 KB)
  12. Permit Requirements (1.2 MB)
  13. Regulatory Floodways (133 KB)
  14. Protecting New Buildings (1.5 MB)
  15. Additional Regulatory Measures (308 KB)
  16. Permit Review (176 KB)
  17. Enforcement and Records (76 KB)
  18. Substantial Improvement (525 KB)
  19. Flood Insurance (87 KB)
  20. Community Rating System (68 KB)
  21. Disaster Operations (76 KB)
  22. Hazard Mitigation (126 KB)
  23. Glossary (43 KB)
  24. References (32 KB)
  25. Pontiac’s Flood Insurance Study (3.8 MB)
  26. Contacts (109 KB)
  27. Learning Check (187 KB)

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